Friday, July 07, 2006

Happiness Now ( fri of Wk 43)

jy: haha.. had been wanted to share abt the story - happiness Now but busy lor.. haha.. so i will share a bit on what the book is abt. it actually cover 5 areas, Our own Philosophy, One Day at a Time, Laws of Life, Friends and Family and the Success Strategies-What to Do now.

we can always choose the Life that we wan....

The IN A NUTShell.....

One day at a Time
- It's not abt yr age, it's abt yr attitude ( on happiness )
- When it comes to worry, Procrastinate! ( kick the Worry Habits)
- The happiest people don't bother about whether Life is fair. They just make the most of what they have. ( never ask why is me )
- Life is not that serious. We should take humour more seriouly! ( laughter)
-You don't find happiness in the absence of problems. You find it in spite of your problems !

Laws of Life
- We become what we think about!
Assume that every problem in yr life is a lesson to make you stronger. Then you never feel like a Victim.
- You attract what you think about.
- We set goals for what we GET, but for what we BEcome.
- As you think, so you become. As you wish, so you become... Frustrated.
Everytime you say a silent " Thanks you" You become more peaceful- and more powerful.

Friends and Family
- Is forgiveness easy? Usually Not. But you don't forgive people for their benefit. You do it for your benefit.
- Your mission in Life is not to change the world- just to change yrself.
- To say " I love you" cost so little. And when it is too difficult to say " I love you," Thanks you" is a good start.

Success Strategies- What to do Now
- It's not just the amout of effort that matters, but wher you put it.
- Success is not about "the facts" it's about yr attitude.
- When we give ourselves a second chance, and get some help, very often WE CAN DO IT !
- Your words shape yr future.
- When people know you have given yr very best, they usually support you.
The first trick to happiness- and success - is to appreciate what we've already got.
- Everything you do matters! Happiness is a daily decision.

it do have picture and elaboration lor... haha... quite interesting and meaning...

always tell yrself.. tml is a Brand new day.. ^@^

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